Registering as a new user

New service provider

Apply to become a service provider in a municipality according to the municipality’s onboarding process. After approving your business as a service provider, the municipality informs Vaana about the approval. Vaana’s customer service will send instructions for registration to the service provider’s contact person and a link to the registration form by email. The email is sent to the person that the company has assigned as the contact person for the municipality when applying to become a service provider in the municipality.

In order to register, you will need:

  • Company’s official information (business ID and contact information)

  • Bank account information for settlements

  • Venue information

  • Service Provider Manager information: name, email, phone number. In OmaVaana, the Service Provider Manager can maintain the company information and add Venue Managers, who can make debits. The Service Provider Manager also receives settlement calculations automatically to their email. More information about the roles here.

  • Venue Manager information: name, email, phone number. The Venue Manager can, for instance, make settlements from service vouchers and view the settlement history. The Venue Manager can also maintain company information that is visible in Vaana’s public venue search.

  • In the Optional description of the venue for search field, you can write a general description or a marketing message of your company, for instance.

  • In the Additional information for the price list, you can write specifications related to pricing, such as kilometre allowance or instructions for booking an appointment.

  • You can update and enrich information later on, once the registration has been handled on Vaana’s side.

  • Remember to save registration by clicking Save.

It is not possible to save and continue registration later on. Please reserve enough time to complete it at once!

Vaana’s customer service handles the registration within two weeks. After this, your company information become visible in Vaana’s public venue search. All persons listed in the registration form will receive a login link by email from where you can login to OmaVaana. The login link is valid for 24 hours. If the link has been expired before you are able to use it, you can order a new one from OmaVaana by clicking Request new password. By clicking the link, you can create new account credentials. In the future, your email and the password that you have set will be your account credentials.

If you want to grant Service Provider Manager rights to someone else (in addition to yourself), you can send an email to Vaana’s customer service. Please inform in the email to which company the Service Provider Manager role is added and the first and last name, email and phone number of the person to be added.

If you want to send the settlement calculations automatically via email to your accountant, you can inform Service Provider Venue Accountant rights to Vaana’s customer service. Please inform in the email to which company the Service Provider Venue Accountant role is added and the first and last name, email and phone number of the person to be added. More information about the Service Provider Venue Accountant can be found here.