For all users

What is OmaVaana?

In 2019, we launched the most modern and advanced OmaVaana service voucher system in Finland. OmaVaana is built with the user in mind together with our customers as well as public and private operators.

In OmaVaana, both the municipality and the service provider can take the necessary steps to manage service vouchers quickly and easily: the municipality can commercialise and distribute service vouchers, while the service provider can charge service vouchers.

The OmaVaana service voucher solution provided by Vaana also covers the maintenance of the municipal statutory service provider portal. From our national venue search, you can find all service providers receiving vouchers sorted by the issuer of the vouchers and the services to be purchased.

In addition to the service vouchers, OmaVaana can be used to manage other value vouchers, such as customer vouchers, employment vouchers and welfare vouchers, as well as help in managing a personal budget.

See our solutions here.

What is Vaana?

Vaana is a Finnish technology company wholly owned by its employees and the Finnish family-owned business The Orange Company, whose mission is to safeguard the well-being of Finns by improving the competitiveness of our social and health care services.

For more than a decade, Vaana has developed service voucher and freedom of choice solutions that improve citizens' decision-making power, speed up access to services, enhance competition and save costs.

Finland’s first service voucher, Vaana Service Voucher, launched in 2010, and it is used in over 70 municipalities in Finland with a population totalling over one million. Vaana Service Vouchers are received by over 1,300 providers of social and health care services and early childhood education services throughout Finland.

Read more about Vaana and get to know our professionals here.

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