Registering as a service provider

Applying for a service provider

A municipality or municipal council approves those service providers who have the right to produce service with the service vouchers.

In general, you can apply to become a service provider at any time. Information about the approval criteria and onboarding process may be requested from the municipality. When registering as a service provider, at least one approved venue must be registered at the same time to OmaVaana. If a company or organisation is approved to provide services in other venues or service areas as well, new venues can be added to the same company or organisation. When applying for a service provider, the company commits to follow the rule book and instructions of the municipality.

Registering as a Vaana Service Voucher service provider

When a municipality has approved your company to produce service voucher services, the municipality informs the company name, contact information and the voucher services that the company has been approved for to Vaana’s customer service.

Vaana’s customer service sends a registration link to the service provider to the email address that has been informed by the municipality.

The person who fills in the registration form receives Service Provider Manager role in OmaVaana.