Customer's service voucher cannot be charged

Before you start to provide services, always make sure that

  1. You have valid contract with the service organiser to provide the service with the service vouchers,

  2. The service voucher is valid, and

  3. The service voucher has enough money to make charges.

The right to provide the services with the service vouchers can be asked from the person who is responsible for the service voucher matters in that particular venue.

You can check the period of validity and balance from OmaVaana by typing in the service voucher code in Debit tool, where you can see the voucher information.

You can also check the information from Check the voucher balance by typing in the service decision number and the service voucher code.

You do not have the right to provide services with service vouchers

Contact the service provider contact person of the municipality. The municipality always informs Vaana about all approved service providers and what services each of them has been approved to provide.

When the municipality informs a new service provider or a new service to Vaana, we register the information to our system and send an email to the address we have been informed.

If you have not yet applied to become a service provider for a certain municipality, please contact the municipality in question.

Service voucher is not valid or it does not have enough balance

If you notice before you start providing the service, that the service voucher is not valid or it does not have enough balance, the service voucher customer needs to contact the instance who has granted the service voucher to negotiate extending the validity or load a new batch of balance to the voucher.

You should do the same, if you notice this only after you have provided the service. However, please make notice that municipality is not obligated to make a new load, if the voucher is only meant for a certain period of time and sum.

Thus, always remember to make sure the voucher is valid and there is enough balance on it before you start to provide the service.