Adding a new venue
New venues must always be approved by the municipality before they can be added into OmaVaana. See instructions below for how to act in different situations.
Service Provider Manager
When your venue starts producing services with the Vaana Service voucher in a new municipality or service area, you can add this information into OmaVaana in different ways. See the appropriate instruction below.
Your business is already accepting Vaana Service Vouchers and you want to add a new venue
Apply to become a service provider in the municipality by venue. Once your venue has been approved, the municipality informs Vaana’s customer service of the approval. Vaana’s customer service will send information about the approval to the Service Provider Manager in your company. Only the Service Provider Manager may register a new venue to OmaVaana.
Log into OmaVaana and register a venue approved by the municipality by clicking Add new venue.
Fill in requested fields with the venue information.
The venue’s contact person information will be visible in Vaana’s public venue search.
You can write a short marketing message or description to the Optional description of the venue for search field. This text will be visible in Vaana’s public venue search. You can edit the text also later.
You can mark yourself or another employee as the Service Provider Venue Manager. You can add Service Provider Venue Manager role for multiple persons by clicking Add another manager. With this role, the user can make debits from the service vouchers. More information about the roles can be found here.
Select the municipality/municipal council/health care district to which your venue has been approved to provided services with the service voucher. Select the service(s) that have been approved by the municipality. If you are unsure, ask for confirmation from the municipality’s contact person or from Vaana’s customer service. Finally, fill in the price list.
If the venue has also been approved to another municipality, select Add contract.
Remember to save the registration by clicking Save.
Your venue already already operates in a municipality using OmaVaana and accepts Vaana Service Vouchers. You want to add a new service for a venue that has already been approved to produce services in the municipality.
Municipality informs Vaana’s customer service about approving a new service. Vaana’s customer service sends instructions to the Service Provider Manager by email to update the price list.
Your venue already accepts Vaana Service Vouchers and a new municipality has approved your venue.
Municipality informs Vaana’s customer service about the approval. Vaana’s customer service updates the new service for the venue in the selected municipality. Finally, Vaana’s customer service sends instructions to the Service Provider Manager by email to update the price list.