Roles for municipal users

There are four different roles in OmaVaana for municipal users:

  • Orderer

  • Distributor

  • Financial Manager

  • Contract Manager

User roles are always assigned to an account, that is, to the main account or sector-specific account. The user role determines what actions the user can perform on the account and what information they are able to view.

One person can have more than one role at a time, if they need more extensive access. One person can also have a user role for multiple accounts, for example, different sectors of the same municipality.

Each user uses OmaVaana with their personal account ID, which is the user’s own email address. In this way, the actions taken by users in OmaVaana can be identified, which is necessary to ensure the safe use of the product.

In OmaVaana, each user will only see those accounts to which they have a role, and on each account only the actions that any of their roles gives them access to.


The Orderer’s role has the most extensive rights. The role of the Orderer refers to a person who orders the service voucher balance and manages the distribution of the service vouchers to the customers. The Orderer also sees all the account tracking information.

With the role of the Orderer in OmaVaana, the user can:

  • Create and modify service voucher types,

  • Issue and renew service vouchers,

  • Browse and view issued service vouchers and their transactions,

  • Order balance to the municipality’s account in OmaVaana,

  • View events on the municipality’s account,

  • View the account balance on the municipality’s account,

  • Manage users with Distributor’s rights (add and remove roles),

  • View the monthly invoice archive on the municipality’s account, and

  • Edit the customer relationship information (e.g. billing information, balance limit notification).


The Distributor has more limited rights than the Orderer. The role of the Distributor refers to a person who issues service vouchers to customers.

With the role of the Distributor in OmaVaana, the user can:

  • Issue and renew service vouchers,

  • Browse and view issued service vouchers and their transactions, and

  • View events on the account.

Financial Manager

The role of the Financial Manager refers to a person who monitors or reports on the use of service vouchers from a financial perspective. With the role of the Financial Manager, the user can see the money transactions in the municipality’s accounts to which an access right has been granted and in the issued service vouchers distributed from these accounts. With the role of the Financial Manager alone, it is not possible to see the personal information of the service voucher customers (i.e. citizens).

In practice, the role of the Financial Manager is to:

  • Record balance orders in the municipality’s bookkeeping,

  • Check the sum of debits made by the service providers in OmaVaana, record payments to bookkeeping and claim hidden 5% VAT, and

  • Check accruals at the end of the year.

With the role of the Financial Manager in OmaVaana, the user can:

  • Browse and view issued service vouchers and their transactions without customer information,

  • View events on the municipality’s account,

  • View balance on the municipality’s account, and

  • View the monthly invoice archive for the municipality’s account.

Contract Manager

The role of the Contract Manager refers to a person who acts as the contact person between Vaana and the service providers.

In practice, the role of the Contract Manager is to:

  • Inform Vaana’s customer service via email about new, approved service providers and discontinued service providers, and

  • Approve price list changes for service provider’s venues in OmaVaana.

With the role of the Contract Manager in OmaVaana, the user can:

  • Approve (or reject) the price lists made by service providers and changes thereto.