Reviewing voucher transactions

Voucher transactions page allows you to track the usage of service vouchers. You can see all the events related to the service vouchers on this page.


Orderer, Distributor and Financial Manager


  1. Select Voucher transactions from the menu on the left.

  2. Select the transaction date and transaction type.

  3. Review the service voucher transactions. If you like, you can download the information to an Excel file from the Download list tab on the right.

Remarks of the fields

Issuing. You get a summary of how much credit has been issued to service vouchers. If you have corrected the credit issues with the redeem function, the system automatically deducts the refunded issues. This way, you can see the real issued amount.

Deposit. Total amount of money that has been debited by the service providers from the service vouchers. In order to see the actual total amount of payments, you must subtract the total amounts of returns and transfers from the total payments.

Return. Refund made within 24 hours after issuing incorrect vouchers. An incorrect amount of credit has been issued on a service voucher that has been refunded to the service voucher account balance.

Refund. Correction for an incorrect debit made by the service provider.

Transfer. Manual correction made by Vaana’s customer service, if the service provider has made an incorrect debit. In exceptional cases, it also refers to transferring balance from one service voucher account to another.

Expiring balance. Service voucher balance that has been expired and will be returned to the municipality’s service voucher account 30 days after the expiry date.