Redeeming service voucher balance and invalidating service vouchers

If you have issued an incorrect amount of credit to a service voucher, you can redeem the issued credit within 24 hours of issuing. If more than 24 hours has passed or the service voucher is otherwise no longer valid, you can permanently invalidate the service voucher.


Orderer and Distributor


Redeem the service voucher balance

Redeeming the service voucher can be used, for example, if a mistake is noticed when issuing credit. Redeeming the credit refund it back to the municipality’s OmaVaana account immediately. Service voucher can have one or more credit items.

  1. Open the service voucher details by pressing Open on the Issued service vouchers page.

  2. You can see the credits in the service voucher information under the Credits on voucher.

  3. If the credit in question has been issued within 24 hours, you can see Redeem next to the credit. After 24 hours of issuing the credit, the button disappears.

  4. Redeem the credit by pressing the button and selecting Confirm.

OBS! If the service voucher has other mistakes also, like incorrect customer name, the voucher should be invalidated. If the service voucher is not invalidated after redeeming it, a new credit item can be issued to the voucher.

Invalidate the service voucher

Invalidation can be used when the service needs of the customer change or ends and the service voucher is no longer needed, or when a mistake on the service voucher is noticed after 24 hours of issuing credit. Invalidation refunds the remaining balance back to the municipality’s account after 30 days of the invalidation. After the service voucher has been invalidated, it can no longer be used.

  1. Open the service voucher details by pressing Open on the Issued service vouchers page.

  2. Invalidate the service voucher by pressing the red Invalidate voucher button on the right side of the page and click Confirm.

OBS! After invalidating the service voucher, the service provider has 30 days to debit the services that have been provided before invalidation.