Approve venue price list

Each venue must have a price list approved by the municipality. The price list is visible for customers in the service provider venue search.


Contract manager


Image 1: Approving price list

Image 2: Deleting price list

Municipality must approve service providers’ price lists and possible changes made to them, before these are made public. You can approve the price list as follows after the service provider has sent the price list for approval.

  1. Select Price lists from the left navigation.

  2. Select a venue and click Open. Review the price list. At this point, the status of the price list is Pending approval.

Approving the price list (see image 1 above)

  1. Click Approve.

  2. Set the effective date of the price list. The default date is the current day, but you can also set the date in the future.

  3. Click Confirm.

  4. The status of the price list is now Approved. You can see the effective date in the title.

Correcting the price list

  1. If the price list needs to be corrected before the approval, please contact the service provider, and ask them to make the required changes. Do not click Delete.

  2. After the required changes have been made, approve the price list as per the instructions above.

Deleting the proposed changes (see image 2 above)

  1. If you would like to remove all the changes that the service provider has proposed to the price list, click Delete.

  2. The system asks you to confirm, click Confirm.

  3. The valid price list after this is the latest approved price list.

OBS! If the price list is missing an additional information field and you would like to have it, please contact Vaana’s customer service.